Tuesday, July 24, 2012

When you were in school, did you like it?

Yes, I just posted this on my tumblr, here:

But felt like I should share it here, too.

When you were in school, did you like it?  How did your experience in school influence your decision to become a teacher?
Let me clarify my answer, as I had a limited space to answer:
As weirds as it seems, I hated school, especially the high school years — in fact, here’s a secret to some folks, I didn’t graduate high school.  I dropped out at 16 and have a GED.
I did, however, fall in love with working with students with severe disabilities.  
I adored college and graduated with a dual degree in psychology and philosophy, after completing an associates degree in fine arts.  I just kind of stumbled upon the field I’m in now and my early studies have helped a lot.  After several years as a TA in a school for individuals with Autism I decided this was the field for me.  Started a master’s program in Special Education:  Severe Disabilities and snagged a teaching job, and the rest is sort of history.  I’m about to start my fifth year teaching —eep! 
But I have to say, the fact that I can say that I am ‘high school teacher’ still gives me the heebeejeebees, not to mention that I am teaching at a school with the same name as the one I attended for that short period of time.  
Folks, teachers and others alike, please re-blog and answer the question(s), I’m really quite curious. 
xo autumn

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Label All of the Things!

Hi all!  Today's post is all about classroom resource labels.  I mean, what could be better than having a place for everything in your class and a bright shiny label to make sure everything gets back home?  No more searching for that odd manipulative or flash card or art supply -- you'll see everything at a glance.

Here are a few freebie label sets that are sure to help you whip your classroom into shape.  There's a bit of something for everyone!

First up, super colorful text-only labels for supplies and math manipulatives:

Next, catch their eye with these new 'flipped' signs by Ladybug's Teacher files:

These'll match right up with the 'flipped' signs; Polka Dot Supply Labels and Math Manipulative labels:

Then, start organizing all those art supplies, paper, what-have-you by color with these lovely labels by Creating and Teaching:

These labels from twinkl.co.uk are fully customizable for your every need:
Source: twinkl.co.uk via autumn on Pinterest

And last, but not least, some nerdy apple labels (and note cards, stickers, calendars to match):

enjoy getting a bit more organized!
xo autumn

Sunday, July 8, 2012

freebie classroom posters and room decor.

My students are generally very overstimulated by any sensory experience, that's just how it goes. So, because of this I really, really try hard not to clutter the walls with any unnecessary visual stimuli. Even though, if I could get away with it the walls would probably be tattooed with hot pink stripes and all sorts of artsy fartsy things. But, alas that's not cool for the kiddos.

 I can dream, though. So in that spirt, here are a few of my favorite freebie posters and room decor from around the interwebs.

  • This just makes me happy in every single way, so positive. 

Source: flickr.com via autumn on Pinterest

  • Umm, yes, always. 
Source: flickr.com via autumn on Pinterest

  • This one holds a special place in my heart ;)

  • indeed.  so pretty. 

  • Some owlsome room decor sets!

  • Space Owls, yes! 

  • Love this! 

Source: via autumn on Pinterest

Enjoy all this lovely decor, I'll try not to be too jealous that you all get to post these in your rooms.  

xo autumn

Friday, June 29, 2012

83 Sensory Bin Ideas.

I teach students with Autism Spectrum Disorder, so integrating sensory play is key to making sure my classroom runs smoothly.

Here are, count them, 83, yes 83, ideas for sensory play.  Click on the pictures or links to see all the lovely ideas.

10 'no mess' Sensory Activities from Parentables.

60 Sensory Table Ideas from Jonti-Craft.

How To Make Rainbow Rice by Share & Remember. 

Rainbow Rice and Garden Sensory Play.  And many other rainbow treats!

12 more ideas for that rainbow rice from Outlaw Mom. 

PS:  These are also great summer activities for the wee ones and the wee ones at heart :)

xo autumn k, the teacher lady

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

the start.

So, this blog.  I started it, or had the intention to start it and also reserved the blogger name, long before I had any idea that there were soooooooooooooooooooo many awesome teachers out there blogging.  I was then, like, I can't compete, or even attempt to keep up, with these stellar folks.

Not that I really had the intention to compete, that's not the right word, but for lack of a better one there it is.  I just wanted to share resources that I've toiled over and made to help my class run just a bit smoother and help my vastly different learners succeed.  More about the my vastly different learners, shortly.  And then, I also, discovered Pinterest.  

Oh, Pinterest.  Need I say more?  Okay, I will briefly.  Pinterest and all those awesome teacher blogs became my go-to for new resources.  That and Pinterest was not only another source of inspiration, but a great way of organizing all those lovelys.  And since then I would spend hours reading and pinning, pinning and reading, again and again.  To the point that my partner won't even follow all of my Pinterest boards because of the overwhelming teacheryness.  

And now, summer vacation (And, not to mention the fact that my school district has decided that Pinterest isn't allowed on the school networks, ugh).  I've decided to resurrect this blog idea.  So, yeah, here goes.