Friday, June 29, 2012

83 Sensory Bin Ideas.

I teach students with Autism Spectrum Disorder, so integrating sensory play is key to making sure my classroom runs smoothly.

Here are, count them, 83, yes 83, ideas for sensory play.  Click on the pictures or links to see all the lovely ideas.

10 'no mess' Sensory Activities from Parentables.

60 Sensory Table Ideas from Jonti-Craft.

How To Make Rainbow Rice by Share & Remember. 

Rainbow Rice and Garden Sensory Play.  And many other rainbow treats!

12 more ideas for that rainbow rice from Outlaw Mom. 

PS:  These are also great summer activities for the wee ones and the wee ones at heart :)

xo autumn k, the teacher lady


  1. Thanks so much for featuring our rainbow rice ideas! Glad to have found your blog. (Sorry for stopping by so late...I have just started some part-time work and it is getting in the way of my blogging lately!)
